Some weired and wonderful Facts

  1. In 2002, the most popular boat name in the U.S. was Liberty
  2. One out of 20 people have an extra rib
  3. 44% of kids watch television before they go to sleep
  4. In 1865, the U.S. Secret Service was first established for the specific purpose to combat the counterfeiting of money
  5. Istanbul, Turkey is the only city in the world located on two continents
  6. In 1967, the IMAX film system was invented by Canadian Ivan Grame Ferguson to premier at Expo 67.
  7. Approximately 40% of the U.S. paper currency in circulation was counterfeit by the end of the Civil War
  8. Every three days a human stomach gets a new lining
  9. In 1873, Colgate made a toothpaste that was available in a jar
  10. The Kodiak, which is native to Alaska, is the largest bear and can measure up to eight feet and weigh as much as 1,700 pounds
  11. The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley
  12. Mars is the home of Olympus Mons, the largest known volcano in our solar system
  13. The Gastric Flu can cause projectile vomiting
  14. The second best selling game of all time is Jenga. Jenga is a Swahili word, meaning "to build."
  15. Cinderella is known as Rashin Coatie in Scotland, Zezolla in Italy, and Yeh-hsien in China
  16. The name Wendy was made up for the book "Peter Pan."
  17. The fur of the binturong, also known as the "Asian Bear Cat," smells like popcorn. The scent is believed to come from a gland located near the tail
  18. In 1894 the first big Coke sign was found on the side of a building located in Cartersville, Georgia, and still exists today
  19. The longest distance a deepwater lobster has been recorded to travel is 225 miles
  20. Orcas (killer whales), when traveling in groups, breathe in unison
  21. The Great Pyramids used to be as white as snow because they were encased in a bright limestone that has worn off over the years
  22. NASCAR stands for National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing
  23. Percentage of American men who say they would marry the same woman if they had it to do all over again: 80%
  24. Paul Hunn holds the record for the loudest burp, which was 118.1 decibels, which is as loud as a chainsaw
  25. A monkey was once tried and convicted for smoking a cigarette in South Bend, Indiana
  26. There are six million parts in the Boeing 747-400.
  27. The first TONKA truck was made in 1947
  28. In the U.S., over one million gallons of cosmetics, drinks, and lotions are sold that contain aloe in them per year
  29. Sugar Bear (the mascot for Golden Crisps cereal) was born in 1963
  30. The Tonle Sap River in Cambodia flows north for almost half the year and then south for the rest of the year
  31. Japanese research has concluded that moderate drinking can boost IQ levels
  32. For more than 3,000 years, Carpenter ants have been used to close wounds in India, Asia and South America
  33. Baskin Robbins plain vanilla ice cream is the number one selling flavour and accounts for a quarter of their sales
  34. Elizabeth Taylor has appeared on the cover of Life magazine more than anyone else
  35. The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is thirty five miles long
  36. The word "toy" comes from an old English word that means "tool."
  37. Smokers are twice as likely to develop lower back pain than non-smokers
  38. Humans are born with 300 bones in their body, however when a person reaches adulthood they only have 206 bones. This occurs because many of them join together to make a single bone
  39. The reason why hair turns gray as we age is because the pigment cells in the hair follicle start to die, which is responsible for producing "melanin" which gives the hair colour
  40. In 1960 there were 16,067 gambling slots in Nevada. By 1999, this number rose to 205,726 slots which would be one slot for every 10 people residing there
  41. It takes the Hubble telescope about 97 minutes to complete an orbit of the Earth. On average, the Hubble uses the equivilent amount of energy as 30 household light bulbs to complete an orbit.
  42. The two factories of the Jelly Belly Candy Company produces approximately 100,000 pounds of jelly beans a day. this amounts to about 1,250,000 jelly beans an hour
  43. Pucks hit by hockey sticks have reached speeds of up to 150 miles per hour
  44. The "naked recreation and travel" industry has grown by 233% in the past decade
  45. The Planters Peanut Company mascot, Mr. Peanut, was created during a contest for schoolchildren in 1916
  46. Most lipstick contains fish scales
  47. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the english language
  48. The expression cooked "al dente" means "to the tooth." What this means is that the pasta should be somewhat firm, and offer some resistance to the tooth, but should also be tender
  49. Of married couples, 70% of men and 60% of women have cheated on their spouse
  50. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times
  51. More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes
  52. The first couple to be shown on a sitcom sleeping in the same bed was "Mary Kay and Johnny."
  53. Asthma affects one in fifteen children under the age of eighteen
  54. A one ounce milk chocolate bar has 6 mg of caffeine
  55. Throughout the South, peanuts were known as "Monkey Nuts," and "Goober peas," before the civil war
  56. Scallops have approximately 100 eyes around the edge of its shell
  57. In 1810, Peter Durand invented the tin can for preserving food
  58. The fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth is called Arachibutyrophobia
  59. Men in their early twenties shave an average of four times a week
  60. Colour is not an indicator for the taste or ripeness in cranberries
  61. Each year there are approximately 20 billion coconuts produced worldwide
  62. A chicken with red earlobes will produce brown eggs, and a chicken with white earlobes will produce white eggs
  63. Not all polar bears hibernate; only pregnant females polar bears do
  64. There is a restaurant in Stockholm that only offers all-garlic products. They even have a garlic cheesecake
  65. Serving ice cream on cherry pie was once illegal in Kansas
  66. Superman The Escape rollercoaster, located in California at Six Flags Magic Mountain, goes from 0 to 100 miles per hour in only 7 seconds
  67. Five thousandths of a millimeter is the tolerance of accuracy at the LEGO mould factories
  68. 2.5 cans of Spam are consumed every second in the United States
  69. In 1836, Mexican General Santa Anna held an elaborate state funeral for his amputated leg. updated
  70. A meteor has only destroyed one satellite, which was the European Space Agency's Olympus in 1993.
  71. The Koala bear is not really a bear, but is really related to the kangaroo and the wombat.
  72. One gallon of pure maple syrup weighs 11 pounds
  73. Instead of a Birthday Cake, many Russian children are given a Birthday Pie
  74. The largest employer in the world is the Indian railway system in India, employing over 1.6 million people
  75. The word "comet" comes from the Greek word "kometes" meaning long hair and referring to the tail
  76. The average price for a major league baseball game in 2004 is $19.82
  77. The hydra, which is related to the jellyfish, can grow its body back in a couple of days if it is cut in half
  78. The deepest mine in the world is the East Rand mine, which goes to a depth of about 3,585 metres
  79. Native Indians have been known to paint their doors blue, which they believe keeps the bad spirits out
  80. Before air conditioning was invented, white cotton slipcovers were put on furniture to keep the air cool.
  81. It would take about fourteen and half million notes of currency to build a mile high stack
  82. Chinese Crested dogs can get acne
  83. It costs about 3 cents to make a $1 bill in the United States
  84. Colgate faced a big obstacle marketing toothpaste in Spanish speaking countries. Colgate translates into the command "go hang yourself."
  85. The cross bow was invented by the Chinese and records of its usage goes back to as far as the Three Kingdom Period (220 a.d.-280 a.d.).
  86. It is estimated that by the end of 2000, there has been 142,600 tonnes of gold mined in the world
  87. One-third pound stalk of broccoli contains more vitamin C than 204 apples
  88. The Flintstones cartoon was the first thirty-minute cartoon to be aired during prime time
  89. The abbreviation Xmas for the word Christmas is of Greek origin. Since the word for Christ in the Greek language is Xristos, which starts with the letter "X," they started putting the X in place of Christ and came up with the short form for the word Christmas
  90. Dipsomania refers to an insatiable craving for alcoholic beverages
  91. China has more English speakers than the United States
  92. Pitcher Darold Knowles once pitched all seven games of one World Series
  93. In a day, kids in the U.S. that are between the ages of 2 - 8 spend 28 minutes of their time coloring
  94. The Ancient Greek women made a type of cheek blush by painting their cheeks with herbal pastes which was made out of crushed berries and seeds
  95. Herbert Hoover, who was the 31st president of the United Stated, turned over all the Federal salary checks he received to charity during the 47 years he was in government
  96. Macadamia nuts are not sold in their shells because it takes 300 pounds per square inch of pressure to break the shell
  97. Japan has approximately 200 volcanoes and is home to 10% of the active volcanoes in the world
  98. Before 1928, yo-yos used to be called bandalores in the United States
  99. The only South East Asian country that has never been colonized by a Western Power is Thailand
  100. In 1631, two London bible printers accidentally left the word "not" out of the seventh commandment, which then read, "Thou shalt commit adultery." This legendary book is now known as the "Wicked Bible."
  101. The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar an England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes
  102. Irish Wolfhound dogs have a short lifespan and live about 7-8 years
  103. When Queen Elizabeth I of England died she owned over 3,000 gowns
  104. Female alligators lay about 40 eggs that hatch in 60 - 70 days
  105. The nickname for a Japanese businessmen is "Salarymen."
  106. Emus cannot walk backwards
  107. The external tank on space shuttles is not painted. It is the only part of the shuttle that is lost after launch, so it is not necessary to worry about metal corrosion.
  108. The most popular Twizzler candy flavour is strawberry
  109. Thirty percent of all bingo players are under the age of 35
  110. Infants spend more time dreaming than adults do
  111. The famous Casanova (Giacomo Casanova) was a librarian for many years before he died
  112. The only species of turtle that lives in the open ocean is the sea turtle
  113. Toronto was the first city in the world with a computerized traffic signal system
  114. Seniors who drink a cup of coffee before a memory test score higher than those who drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee
  115. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise
  116. Some octopuses have been known to eat their arms off when they are exposed to stressful situations
  117. On average, 749 pounds of paper products is used by an American individual annually
  118. The skeleton of a spider is located on the outside of the body. The name for this is exoskelton
  119. Incas used to create pots in the shape of peanuts that were highly prized
  120. The letter J does not appear anywhere on the periodic table of the elements
  121. Over 200 varieties of watermelons are grown in the U.S
  122. The most dangerous job in the United States is that of a fisherman, followed by logging and then an airline pilot
  123. The words "abstemioius," and "facetious" both have all the five vowels in them in order
  124. French soldiers during World War I had the nickname "poilu" which translates to "hairy one."
  125. Former U.S. President William Taft converted the White House stable into a four car garage in 1909
  126. People living on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter, while people living on the west coast prefer chunky peanut butter
  127. Some snails live on branches in trees
  128. Tomato ketchup is a good conditioner for the hair. It also helps get the greenish tinge that some blonde haired people get after swimming in water with chlorine in it
  129. The youngest pope was 11 years old
  130. Did you know you share your birthday with at least 9 other million people in the world
  131. Soldiers disease is a term for morphine addiction. The Civil War produced over 400,000 morphine addicts
  132. The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, which is 176 verses
  133. During the First World War, cigarettes were handed out to soldiers along with their rations
  134. The longest freshwater shoreline in the world is located in the state of Michigan
  135. There are bananas called "Red banana" that are maroon to dark purple when ripe
  136. Franklin Pierce was the first U.S. President to have a Christmas tree in the White House
  137. The USA bought Alaska from Russia for 2 cents an acre
  138. Walt Disney had originally suggested using the name Mortimer Mouse instead of Mickey Mouse
  139. The length of brink of the Canadian "Horseshoe" Falls located in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada is 2600 feet
  140. The smile is the most frequently used facial expression. A smile can use anywhere from a pair of 5 to 53 facial muscles
  141. The right lung of a human is larger than the left one. This is because of the space and placement of the heart
  142. Native Americans used to use pumpkin seeds for medicine
  143. The pound key (#) on the keyboard is called an octothorpe
  144. The chemical name for caffeine is 1,3,7-trimethylzantihine
  145. Corals take a long time to grow. Some corals only grow one centimeter in one year
  146. Walmart-mart sells more apparel a year than all the other competing department stores combined
  147. Canada has more inland waters and lakes than any other country in the world
  148. Ramses II, a pharaoh of Egypt died in 1225 B.C. At the time of his death, he had fathered 96 sons and 60 daughters
  149. The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want
  150. Since its introduction in February 1935, more than two hundred million Monopoly board games have been sold worldwide
  151. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression than men in the United States
  152. The smallest man ever was Gul Mohammed (1957-1997) of India, who measured 1 feet, 10? inches
  153. 500,000 tons of dog excrement are dumped annually on the streets of Paris
  154. Hydrogen gas is the least dense substance in the world, at 0.08988g/cc
  155. In Belgium, there is a museum just for strawberries
  156. The Simpsons is the longest running prime-time animated series on television history
  157. The more a person struggles to get out of quicksand the faster they will sink. Staying still, and being calm will actually make the body float in the quicksand because the body is less dense than the quicksand is
  158. On average, a Canadian girl owns seven Barbie dolls, whereas an American girl owns eight
  159. A piece of French toast that was partially eaten by Justin Timberlake sold on eBay
  160. The Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic, and she provided twenty-five years of service
  161. Atari had to bury millions of unsold "E.T." game cartridges in a New Mexico desert landfill in 1982
  162. The biggest disco ball in the world has a diameter of 2.41 meters and 137.89 kilograms. It also has 6,900 mirror squares on it
  163. The national anthem of Greece has 158 verses
  164. An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog
  165. On average, falling asleep while driving results in 550 accidents per day in the United States
  166. Scatologists are experts who study feces. (aka. crap, dung, dookie, dumps, feces, excrement, etc.)
  167. Pumpkins contain potassium and vitamin A
  168. The greatest mountain range is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, extending 64,374 km from the Arctic Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean
  169. Pepsi got its name from the ingredient pepsin, which is said to aid in digestion, however, it is not known
  170. The spray WD-40 got its name because there were forty attempts needed before the creation of the "water displacing" substance
  171. Contrary to popular beliefs, chocolate does not cause acne
  172. Detroit, Michigan has more registered bowlers than any other city in the USA
  173. The fastest moving land snake is the Black Mamba, which can move up to 7 miles per hour
  174. Annually Americans eat 45 million turkeys at Thanksgiving
  175. Rabbits can live up to ten years
  176. The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days
  177. Over 250 million Slinky toys have been sold since its debut in 1946
  178. In 1961, Italian artist Piero Manzoni packed his feces in cans, signed and mounted them, and then sold them as art
  179. The last thing Elvis Presley ate before he died was four scoops of ice cream and 6 chocolate chip cookies
  180. Some Chinese chopsticks contain gold as on of their materials
  181. The chances of making two holes-in-one in a round of golf are one in 67 million
  182. The watch was invented by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg in 1510.
  183. In North America there are approximately 618 roller coasters
  184. The concept of Boxing Day, which is on December 26th, was to give boxes of food and clothing to the poor. It is now viewed in some countries as a time to get merchandise from stores at reduced prices
  185. Crayola is a French word that means "Oily chalk."
  186. Every year, Burger King restaurants prepare over 950,000 pounds of bacon for their breakfast customers
  187. Isaac Newton used to be a member of parliament
  188. Dumbest Dog: Afghan hound
  189. At just four years old Mozart was able to learn a piece of music in half an hour
  190. It would take twenty new mid-size cars to generate the same amount of pollution that a mid-size 1960's car did.
  191. The honey badger can withstand hundreds of bee stings that would otherwise kill another animal
  192. There are 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world each year
  193. Black pepper is the most popular spice in the world
  194. In Greece, the climate is so warm that many of the cinemas do not even have roofs
  195. The word "moose" comes from the native Algonquian Indian word meaning "twig eater."
  196. All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill
  197. An armadillo can walk under water
  198. There are over one hundred billion galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars
  199. The Uape Indians, who live in the Amazon, mix the ashes of their recently cremated relatives with alcohol, then all members of the family drink the mix with fond memories of the deceased
  200. The word "diamond" comes from the Greek word "adamas," which means "unconquerable."
  201. On average, a typical dairy cow lies down and stands up about 14 times a day
  202. For the movie "Tootsie" actor Dustin Hoffman thought of the title. His mother used to call him that as a child
  203. The world record for rocking non-stop in a rocking chair is 480 hours held by Dennis Easterling, of Atlanta, Georgia
  204. The Sears Tower consists of nine framed tubes, which connects nine skyscrapers as one building
  205. The first subway system in America was built in Boston, Massachusetts in 1897
  206. There are approximately 45 billion fat cells in an average adult
  207. To make one pound of butter, 29 cups of milk are needed
  208. The dot that appears over the letter "i" is called a tittle
  209. The San Francisco Cable cars are the only mobile National Monuments
  210. Close to 73% of girls in Bangladesh are married by age 18
  211. Nerve impulses for muscle position travel at a speed of up to 390 feet per second
  212. In the summer of 1858, the smell of the sewage in the Thames River in London was so bad that the Members of Parliament had to leave from the chamber of the House of Commons. This was a result of two million people dumping all their sewage into the river
  213. One out of five people that eat ice cream binge on ice cream in the middle of the night. The person is usually between 18 - 24 years old
  214. The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark
  215. There is a dog museum in St. Louis, Missouri
  216. The tip of a bullwhip moves so fast that it breaks the sound barrier. The crack of the whip is actually a tiny sonic boom.
  217. There is a city called Smackover located in Arkansas
  218. An average person laughs about 15 times a day
  219. The labels for Crayola crayons come in 18 different colors
  220. The temperature of milk when it leaves the body of a cow is 101 degrees Fahrenheit. The milk is then quickly chilled and stored at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit
  221. In Spain, it is common to pour chocolate milk or cafe au lait on cereal for breakfast
  222. Over 50% of the wedding in the U.S. occur in the afternoon
  223. Before the fur trade had started in Canada, it was estimated that there were over 6 million beavers
  224. Eating dandelions can make you urinate more
  225. Enough paper is recycled in the USA every day, that a 15 mile long train of boxcars could be filled up with paper.
  226. The palms of your hands and the soles of your feet cannot tan, or grow hair
  227. At the White House, president John Adams was said to be the first to display fireworks there
  228. About 10% of the 100,000 thunderstorms that occur in the USA every year are classified as severe.
  229. Sylvia Plath was a famous poet who killed herself at age thirty-one by sticking her head into a gas oven
  230. A baseball will go farther in hot temperature than in cold temperature
  231. A rabbit is not able to vomit
  232. The aorta, which is largest artery located in the body, is about the diameter of a garden hose
  233. Niagara Falls actually stopped flowing back in 1848 for about 20 hours because there was ice that was blocking the Niagara River
  234. The world's first underground was the London Underground in1863. It has 275 stations and 253 miles of track.
  235. The first American president to deliver a speech over the radio was Warren G. Harding
  236. There are more than 40 million Americans that have "chronic halitosis," which is bad breath that never goes away
  237. The human body makes anywhere from 1 to 3 pints of saliva every 24 hours
  238. Cheetahs are the fastest land animal and can reach speeds up to 72mph
  239. The purpose of tonsils is to destroy foreign substances that are swallowed or breathed in
  240. The country with the highest consumption of candy at 29.5 pounds annually per person is Denmark
  241. One of the most dangerous insect in the world is the common housefly. They carry and transmit more diseases than any other animal in the world
  242. Every day, over 1,300 babies are born prematurely in the USA
  243. The sun is approximately 149 million kilometres from the earth
  244. The Great White Shark can grow to be more than twenty feet long and can weigh approximately 4,000 pounds
  245. In 1832, in Paisley, Scotland the first municipal water filtration works was opened
  246. The only popcorn museum in the world is lcoated in Marion, Ohio, USA
  247. Any animal that has skin hair or fur can get dandruff, but in animals it is called "dander."
  248. The average ice berg weighs 20,000,000 tons
  249. In 1819, the USA purchased Florida from Spain for the cancellation of a $5 million debt
  250. In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times
  251. Jewelers Tiffany & Co., based in New York, are responsible for making the Super Bowl trophy
  252. Skippy Peanut Butter is sold more in the world than any other peanut butter
  253. The highest bridge in the world is located in the Himalyan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army, in 1982, and is about 5,600 metres above sea level
  254. In 1893, the first mosque in the United States was built
  255. Apples are part of the rose family
  256. Every eleven minutes in the U.S., a woman dies of breast cancer
  257. Mr. Butts invented the game SCRABBLE. The game was originally called "Criss Cross Words."
  258. Actress Meryl Streep holds the record for the most Oscar nominated actress, with a record of 13 nominations
  259. In a year approximately 900 million trees are cut down to make the raw materials needed for American pulp mills and paper
  260. Enamel is hardest substance in the human body
  261. A leech has 32 brains
  262. Thomas Edison designed a helicopter that would work with gunpowder. It ended up blowing up and also blew up his factory.
  263. In the late 1800's, washing machines and butter churners were sometimes powered by dogs walking on treadmills.
  264. In China, people eat a bar of chocolate for every 1,000 chocolate bars eaten by the British
  265. Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors
  266. Clarence Crane the inventor of "Crane's Peppermint Life Savers" sold his rights to the popular candy for less than three thousand dollars.
  267. Namco, who are the manufacturers of Pac Man the video game, has estimated that the original arcade game has been played over 10 billion times by individuals
  268. In Ivrea, Italy, thousands of citizens celebrate the beginning of Lent by throwing oranges at one another
  269. The sloth moves so slowly that green algae grows in the grooves of their hair
  270. In the world, the United States and France have the most pet dogs. Approximately one out of every three families has a pet dog. Switzerland and Germany are the lowest only having one dog per every ten families
  271. There are 50% more males that are left handed compared to females
  272. Armadillos breed in July, but get pregnant in November after delaying implantation. This allows the young to be born during the spring when there is an abundance of food
  273. Carbon monoxide can kill a person in less than 15 minutes
  274. The Nobel Peace prize was first awarded in 1901 to Jean Henry Dunant, who was the founder of the Swiss Red Cross
  275. In August 1999, Lori Lynn Lomeli set a record by spinning 82 Hula Hoops at the same time for three full revolutions
  276. The wheelbarrow was invented by the Chinese.
  277. The colour blue has a calming effect. It causes the brain to release calming hormones
  278. Over 20 million BluBlocker sunglasses have been sold since its debut in 1986. They now come in over 100 different styles
  279. Crabs have very small hairs on their claws and other parts of their body to help detect water currents and vibrations
  280. In 1962, the first Wal-Mart opened up in Rogers, Arkansas
  281. Duracell, the battery-maker, built parts of its new international headquarters using materials from its own waste
  282. Vampire bat saliva has been responsible for many advances in research into stroke recovery
  283. During the making of the the movie "Fight Club," actor Brad Pitt chipped his tooth. However, he did not get his tooth capped until after the movie was done filming as he thought it would look better chipped for his character
  284. Clans of long ago that wanted to get rid of their unwanted peoplewithout killing them used to burn their houses down - hence theexpression "toget fired."
  285. In ancient Rome, it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose
  286. The word "checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah-Mat," which means the king is dead
  287. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee
  288. A common drink for Tibetans is Butter Tea which is made out of butter, salt, and brick tea
  289. Bourbon was first made by a Baptist minister from Bourbon County in Kentucky in 1789. That is where it got its name
  290. The Pentagon, in Arlington, Virginia, has twice as many bathrooms as is necessary. When it was built in the 1940s, the state of Virginia still had segregation laws requiring separate toilet facilities for blacks and whites
  291. McDonald restaurants serve food and drink to an amazing 43 million customers on a daily basis
  292. The game Monopoly was once very popular in Cuba; however, Fidel Castro ordered that all games be destroyed
  293. Nearly half of all Americans suffer from symptoms of burnout
  294. During the era of Louis XIV, women used lemons to redden their lips
  295. 70% of the poor people in the world are female
  296. The thickness of the Arctic ice sheet is on average 10 feet. There are some areas that are thick as 65 feet
  297. The adult human body requires about 88 pounds of oxygen daily
  298. The biggest pumpkin the world weighs 1,337.6 pounds
  299. The highest consumption of Pizza occurs during Super Bowl week
  300. During World War II, condoms were used to cover rifle barrels from being damaged by salt water as the soldiers swam to shore


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