Hands-off Demo With Ubuntu Phone at CES 2013

ubuntu phoneProbably as we speak, at CES, Canonical officials are in intense talks with OEMs and carriers from all over the world. And I really believe that they will manage to see devices with Ubuntu Phone inside. It might start with countries from the developing world, but to be fair,  

At CES 2013, we managed to find the Canonical booth where Ubuntu Phone, the latest mobile OS, was being presented. The guys at Canonical were very knowledgeable and presented us with a detailed demo of Ubuntu Phone OS, but didn’t let us play with it. It has enough appealing features that we have recently discussed. And probably it’s just about time that the iOS-Android lead would be seriously challenged. We all know there are improvements that could be done to these two, so if Google and Apple won’t provide almost perfect mobile operating system, it will always be room for others.
Ubuntu Mobile or Ubuntu for Phone bets on the fact that users want a gesture-controlled operating system. This new, promising software has something from webOS and even from the upcoming BlackBerry 10. The demo was performed on a Galaxy Nexus, could this mean something?

Demonstration of Ubuntu Phone OS

that’s one of the most active areas when it comes to new mobile subscribtions. Russell Holly from Geek.com also has some nice words to say about it:
Everything about Ubuntu is incredibly smooth. The animations looked great, and the phone felt incredibly fast considering the hardware it was running on. There are no versions of Android that feel this smooth and have animations this nice on the Galaxy Nexus. Ubuntu makes the Galaxy Nexus feel as though it could compete with the Nexus 4 or the Droid DNA
Here are some unique features in the Ubuntu Phone UI:
  • Thumb gestures to access content, activate application switching
  • App icons are quite large
  • Improved Android notification shade
  • Right-left swap takes to last used app
  • Web apps and native apps are indistinguishable


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