How to Close the MacBook Lid Without Entering Sleep Mode

MacBooks are stylish, easy to carry, very mobile and highly-desired by those who travel. While the price alone may be one of the biggest downsides of this product, just like any other Apple device, the operating system powering the gear also comes with minor lacks. Unlike Windows users, Mac OS X owners cannot close the lid of a MacBook for example, without entering sleep mode and pausing the system for a brief period.
Thanks to NoSleep, a Mac OS X kernel extension that may come in aid to many of you, the operating system of Apple devices can be tweaked in such ways that when users close the lid, nothing happens.
No Sleep screenshot

NoSleep keeps MacBooks Awake

The NoSleep extension is easy to install and even easier to use. All users have to do is download the .DMG file (link below), run the application and check both boxes in the main application screen. The first one will make sure that the Mac OS X will not go to sleep when the lid is closed, while the other will start the app simultaneously with the system.
After activating these options, Mac OS X will no longer require a mouse and monitor to keep the computer awake. This way, you can download large files or stream movies over the network, without having to bother about an extra light source. Another advantage of this application is battery usage optimization, because one of the major factors which require power juice is the display. How we wish Apple to provide this option within Mac OS X in the near future!
Download NoSleep for FREE here.


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